Saturday 18 June 2011

Mysteries of Juniper Tree Winner!

This was a FANTASTIC outcome of submissions. There were so many to chose from and even though we couldn't pick every single one, we will show them all off in our July issue so check back July 1st to read all the submissions.

Onward and upward. The winner (or should I say winners) of the Mysteries of Juniper Tree challenge are....



The anticipation is making my skin shed prematurely!

Are DM Cunningham:

Zoe's new book was made from recycled creeping ivy and tonight it would return to its deadly form.

and Alice Fanchiang:

Each nightthe words germinated as he slept, drinking up his twisting dreams and soaking in the dark.

Congratulations to both of you for being so incredibly visual in so few words. And thank you to everyone who submitted. You are all my darlings.

I thought I was your darling.

Always, Tex, always.

Want to keep up to date with the weekly challenges, winners and wonderful writing and art here at Underneath The Juniper Tree? You can sign up with your email in the right bar under Follow Your Curiosity. Don't miss out on the next eerie, hairsplitting, nail-chewing piece of writing. IT MIGHT BE YOURS!

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